How the Christos Ignatian Retreat grew my faith

Holly Shilling is a retired Licensed Professional Counselor, has earned a certificate from Christos in Spiritual Direction, and is now an Ignatian Retreat facilitator. She shared her thoughts about how the Ignatian Retreat exercises grew her faith:

Blessed beyond measure am I by my undertaking and completing of the Ignatian exercises. I found the exercises to be an immersion in prayer and the discernment of spirits. I came to believe on a much greater level how deeply loved I am by the Lord and the great sacrifice he made for me and all of humankind. As a result, I came to surrender more of myself to the Lord, taking a stance of active indifference when faced with my own preferences and desires.

Transformed I’ve become, less invested in my own will and expectations and able to instead be focused on discerning the Lord’s voice.

The retreat basted and saturated me with God our creator, Jesus our lord and our gift Holy Spirit. This has laid a well-worn path within me which continues to be traveled to this day. An immense awe I now behold for the trinity’s infinite love, companioning, provision, and completeness. I have been so inspired by the Ignatian Retreat that I became trained to direct the Ignatian exercises so I could pass on this experience to others. What a blessing it is that Saint Ignatius assembled these exercises so that many may continue to benefit from them then, now and in years to come.


Thoughts from a Thin Place: Christos Pilgrimage to Iona


A space to be you, in whatever way you need it