Spiritual Direction Training
Why Become a Spiritual Director at Christos?
Learn more at an upcoming virtual Come and See session! Click date for details and registration info.
Thurs., March 27, 2025 - 12-1 pm CT - for DISTANCE program
Mon., March 31, 2025 - 12-1 pm CT - for DISTANCE program
Thursday, April 10, 2025 - 12-1 pm CT - For TWIN CITIES program
Thursday, April 24, 2025 - 7-8 pm CT - For Chicago area program
The search for purpose and meaning often arises with holy questions: Where do I go from here? How do I become part of something significant? What is happening with my spiritual or prayer life? These questions call for careful tending and discernment and mark the beginning of a deeper spiritual journey. This foundational insight is central to our pathway to training as a spiritual director.
One of the longest-standing programs nationwide, the Tending the Holy program at Christos Center for Spiritual Formation has prepared women and men for the ministry of spiritual direction since 1990. Tending the Holy is a Christian ecumenical spiritual direction program that rests on the premise that we receive the gift to be present and listen to another’s story in a healthy way through our own prayerful practices and contemplative experiences of God.
Each person involved in Tending the Holy – students, facilitators, presenters, coordinators, spiritual directors and directees – is in the process of being transformed. Our experiential emphasis in spiritual direction ensures that we increase our awareness of the movement of the Holy Spirit in ourselves and in others. Prayer is the foundation of this program.
“Our graduates offer spiritual direction in locations all over the world. Graduates report that the knowledge and wisdom gained through Tending the Holy benefits them in all walks of life.”
Program Overview
The two-year program in spiritual direction begins in September of the first year in the Twin Cities (Lino Lakes) and the Chicago area (Wheaton) and online via distance learning. It concludes in May of the second year with a silent retreat. Students meet twice a month, watch informative and challenging video presentations, and gather in small groups with a facilitator. The first-year small group experience is centered on group spiritual direction. The emphasis in the second year is peer supervision. Every small group is led by an experienced Spiritual Director/Facilitator, who will provide leadership and feedback on each student’s practice of spiritual direction and reflections on the course material.
Participants are to meet regularly with a spiritual director prior to and during the program.
Our bibliography is a diverse compilation of classic and modern writings on prayer, contemplative practices, and spiritual direction. It will be given out upon acceptance into the program.Upon completing all course requirements, students will receive a Certificate of Completion in Spiritual Direction through Christos Center for Spiritual Formation. Christos Tending The Holy graduates may also apply to be listed on our Spiritual Director Directory.
Learn more about program qualifications, curriculum, course structure, and time commitments by downloading our free Program Guide.
Comments from one of our recent graduates:
What was most life-giving to you as a Learner in the Tending the Holy Spiritual Direction Program?
“The whole design of the program was life-giving to me, with its mutually reinforcing rhythms of individually experienced reading/presentations/writing, small group spiritual direction (and later, peer supervision), and large group discussion. The whole circuit would unfold about every two weeks, which kept it alive in the context of everyday life.
Right beside the value of the program was the people, including our cohort coordinator, facilitators, fellow learners and, especially, our small group members. At our closing retreat, many of us noted, with a kind of awe, that we had "found our people." This is extraordinary, not to be shrugged off. Christos is a magnet for the souls we've been looking for, people who want to grow and serve others in similar ways, in a similar spirit.”
Tending the Holy distance program graduate:
“From the informational webinar, application process and interview I felt held, supported, and gently challenged, as I explored whether I was called to spiritual direction. There are many options out there for spiritual direction training and online training of all kinds. I can't imagine a stronger approach than what I've experienced as one of Christos' online learners.”
“ The experience has awakened in me an ability to risk such honesty and freedom in settings where the trust hasn't been established, to simply be who and what I am as a child of God.”
Three Spiritual Direction Training Cohorts
Twin Cities, MN (Lino Lakes) - Hybrid
Small groups meet at our main retreat center in person during fall and spring and then online during winter. Afternoon and evening meeting times are available and based on the number of registered learners.
Chicago area (Wheaton) - Hybrid
Now offered as a hybrid option in the Chicago area. Small groups meet in person during fall and spring and then online during winter. Meeting times are in the evening from 7-9 pm.
The Distance Learning option takes place online from the comfort of your own home. Participants gather in person for the concluding second year retreat. This option is perfect for those outside the Twin Cities and Chicago areas.
Why Spiritual Direction at Christos
Michelle shares her reason for joining the Tending the Holy Cohort and the unexpected ways the experience impacted her life with God.
Why Spiritual Direction at Christos
Kathy Sacksteder, a 2nd year learner, shares her experiences about what led her to Christos to deepen her spiritual direction journey.
Distance Learning at Christos
Mike shares how the Tending the Holy certificate program in spiritual direction helped to fill a need in his spiritual training.
Ready to take the first step in obtaining a certificate in spiritual direction?
Tuition, Fees and Application Information
Tuition is $5900 for the two years ($2950/year)
Tuition can be paid monthly over 20 months beginning in September of the program's first year.
Tending the Holy begins yearly in September.
Application deadline:
We are accepting applications for the 2025-2027 cohort. The application deadline for Distance/Online is August 1, 2025 or when all spaces are filled; the application deadline for both the Twin Cities and Chicago/Wheaton is August 15.
Application fee: $100. The fee MUST be submitted with the application for your application to be considered. Upon submitting your written application, you will receive immediate instructions on how to pay the fee.
Christos accepts checks, credit cards and PayPal.
Please contact our Financial Administrator with any questions at bookkeeper@christoscenter.org.
Students are responsible for all book, retreat, and travel costs.
Learn more about program qualifications, curriculum, course structure, and time commitments by downloading our free Program Guide.
We are here to answer any questions you may have about spiritual direction training at Christos and to help you with the discernment process. Please reach out to our Discernment and Outreach Coordinator Mike Hotz at mike@christoscenter.org