Caring for the Life of Spiritual Leaders and Directors
Tending the Call is a resource to support, enrich, and encourage those called to the ministries of Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Direction.
These ministries are crucial in a culture that moves at a break-neck speed, not always knowing how to slow down. Spiritual Leaders and Directors are often isolated and not fully supported. Therefore, Tending the Call provides a place to gather and support those serving in these ministries through community, enrichment, and the Inner Life.
We host quarterly events and workshops addressing the needs of spiritual leaders. Recent Tending the Call events have featured author Alice Fryling; Enneagram authority Debbi Horton; Pastor and storytelling master Monica Romig Green; and Spiritual Direction leader Monica Eyring, Ph.D., among others.
Tending the Call events (with details and RSVP information) are communicated through our monthly emails. If you wish to be added to our monthly email list, CLICK HERE.
What attendees appreciate about Tending the Call events:
“It was such a gift to ‘remember’ and reconnect with the ways that I have been created and the ways the Spirit speaks.”
“For me as a new/still-in-training spiritual director, the story listening skills are helpful as I continue to learn how to connect with directees in a meaningful way.”
“Revisiting my calling … and listening again for a new invitation from the Spirit”