Alumni Resources

Do you know someone who is interested in Spiritual Direction? Please share information about our Tending the Holy Spiritual Direction program with your faith networks! The best opportunity to participate in something meaningful often comes with a personal invitation. Your role as a Spiritual Director can mean so much as people walk in faith to deepen their relationship with God.

A message from our Alumni Coordinator:

Although your spiritual direction training is complete, please know that Christos welcomes your involvement in all of our events and programs going forward. You are important advocates and ambassadors not only for the role of God in our world, but also for the ways Christos walks with people to connect them more deeply with God. Thank you for all you do for your directees and your community!

Our desire is to be a supportive resource to you, so that you can companion others as holy listeners. Please feel free to reach out to me with questions.

Reina Brekke, Alumni and Tending the Call Coordinator

  • Alumni events

    We provide opportunities to connect with your Christos peers at both in-person and virtual events.


    Alumni Virtual Happy Hours are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 5-6 pm CT: next events are April 8, May 13 and June 10, 2025. Check our Events Calendar for full details.

  • Tending the Soul events

    Alumni of Tending the Holy are also encouraged to attend Tending the Soul events, retreats and book clubs that happen during the year online and in person in the Twin Cities and Chicago. Check out our events calendar for what’s coming up.

  • Tending the Call - Resources for people in ministry

    Tending the Call is a resource to support, enrich and encourage those called to the ministries of Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Direction. Christos Tending the Holy alumni are welcome to participate in our quarterly Tending the Call events and workshops.

  • Be part of our Spiritual Director Directory

    As a Tending the Holy graduate, you are eligible to apply to be included in the Christos Spiritual Director Directory on our website, a searchable online directory. The directory is marketed within the Christos community in our ongoing communications. You may also want link to your page on the Directory to promote your Spiritual Direction practice. Click the button below to apply to be included in the directory.

  • Peer Supervision Refresher

    COMING IN FALL 2024!

    Join us for a FREE on-line gathering that will provide a reminder of what Peer Supervision is, why it is important, and give you a variety of resources that will launch you into a group. Those who choose to join a group will be provided with a structure that will offer ongoing support from September to May. Check our Events Calendar for details on how to register. To learn more, contact Reina Brekke via the button below.

  • Volunteer

    Be part of our community by serving on special projects, committees, providing hospitality, gardening or more! You may share your time or talents in person or virtually. We welcome your involvement. Click below to reach out about your specific skill or interest.

  • Serve as a TTH Small Group Facilitator

    Occasionally we have opportunities for alumni to serve as small group facilitators in our Tending the Holy Distance program. Watch our alumni emails for more information.