A new way to be with God
Christos Tending the Holy student John Lassen shares his thoughts about how he discovered Spiritual Direction:
I had been a pastor for about 15 years, when I started sensing a longing to go deeper with God. At the same time, I was discerning the possibility of transferring into a different denomination. I felt like God had been widening my theology, and I was drawn to a space where I could lean more into the gift of receiving and giving love.
I eventually accepted a call to a different church, in a new denomination. Part of the process of transferring my ordination was the requirement to take a series of orientation classes. In one of the classes, as we were learning about the importance of self-care for a pastor, we were asked to meet with a spiritual director. So, I set up an appointment. What I discovered was a whole new world of experiencing God, and learning more about myself.
I continued to meet with my spiritual director and as we sat together, listened to the Holy Spirit, and asked questions, I discovered that the longing I had sensed to grow in intimacy with God was finding fulfillment. I was learning a new way to be with God, and what it meant to be his beloved child.
After engaging in the practice of spiritual direction for a few years, I began to wonder if God might be calling me to receive training, so that I might be able to share in this wonderful ministry with others. God led me to Christos, and I am currently finishing up my first year in the Tending The Holy program.
“What I discovered was a whole new world of experiencing God and learning more about myself.”
As I reflect on my journey, I marvel at God’s grace and kindness. He met me where I was, and gently drew me to himself, choreographing the events in my life so that I might experience the ministry of spiritual direction, and ultimately, deepen my relationship with him.
My experience seems to affirm the last line in the novel, The Diary of A Country Priest – “Grace is everywhere!”
I give thanks to God for his remarkable love for me and for guiding me into the gift of spiritual direction!