Christos Board

Jodi Kilcup, Board Member

Across the years, I have been propelled by a holy longing for the really real -- for God.
While up to my neck with family and work, I sought God’s presence in silence and solitude, among monks, mystics and spiritual companions. Many patient souls guided me into ancient Christian contemplative ways that helped me listen with the “ear of my heart,” as St. Benedict teaches.  I am anchored in my Catholic faith, yet I find peace in diverse sanctuaries.

Many years ago, I was encouraged to pursue training in spiritual direction, but I didn’t feel ready until I learned about Christos from a fellow member of a contemplative grief group.  I earned a certificate as a distance student in the Tending the Holy program in 2024.  The experience was healing and transformative, opening a new path of meaning and depth as I accompany fellow seekers.  I am grateful for an opportunity to serve this organization that gave so much to me.


A retired foundation director, with a doctorate in leadership and certificates in facilitation and conflict resolution, Jodi is a widow, mom of two adult children, and grandmother of four.  An early Protestant and Catholic convert, she has been a Benedictine oblate (lay affiliate of a monastery) for 20 years.  Jodi facilitates ecumenical spiritual retreats on topics such as “Everyday Contemplatives” and “Entering Through the Mystics’ Gate.” She is a 2024 graduate of Christos’s Tending the Holy Spiritual Direction program. She lives in Silverton, Oregon with her English Shepherd.