Christos Blog
Starting something new: How do you shape and live your dream?
We talked with author, spiritual director, and former pastor Beth Booram about her new book.
A Time to Pause: The Power of Spiritual and Silent Retreats
Three members of the Christos community ponder the importance of retreats in their relationship with God, and share their ideas for how to find a retreat that’s right for you.
Aging Faithfully: God’s Invitation to Us As We Grow Older
A conversation with author and Christos alum Alice Fryling
A Pastor’s Perspective on Becoming a Spiritual Director
From Brian Norsman, delve into a pastor’s perspective on becoming a Spiritual Director. “It’s a holy privilege to be invited into deep places with people.”
Contemplative Prayer and the Gift of Silence
A conversation with Christos founder and author Joann Nesser. “The beginning of our prayer journey is saying ‘yes’ to God’s love.”
Ministry in Contemporary Society – Reflections on “The Wounded Healer”
Christos Spiritual Director Reina Brekke shares her thoughts on one of the books studied during Tending The Holy, Christos certificate in Spiritual Direction.