On a spiritual journey: God in all things
Thoughts from Paul Krenzelok,
Discernment and Outreach Coordinator:
How have you approached your spiritual journey?
I’m greatly influenced by Ignatian Spirituality. One key Ignatian concept is, “God in all things,” which points to the intertwining of God with all of creation. For me personally, this means intimately experiencing God through nature, relationships, the brokenness of our lives, and ultimately, through life just as it is. God is not “out there,” but God is right here, right now, and in everything. I think of incarnation broadly – first and foremost, as Jesus, who is God made flesh…and I experience God incarnate in all of creation, in all our experiences, and in each of us.
Roman Catholicism has deeply formed me, and I continue to be a practicing Catholic. I have worked within the Catholic Church in many capacities including campus ministry, parish faith formation, hospital chaplaincy, and more.
I have always been drawn to ecumenism, which also drew me to Christos. I attended an ecumenical seminary where I took classes with people from many Christian denominations. Also, as a hospital chaplain, I ministered wherever there was a pastoral need. This allowed me to minister to persons of diverse faith traditions (Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and more). A broad look at faith has always been a draw for me.
Meeting, understanding, and walking with people where they are gives me life!
How did Christos come into your life?
Over the years I have lived different places, but when I moved back to Minnesota last summer after doing hospital chaplaincy on the East Coast, I wanted to once again become directly involved in spiritual formation. I saw the job of Distance Coordinator for Tending the Holy come open, and it has been a perfect fit. Since I started, I have also assumed the role of Outreach and Discernment Coordinator, allowing me the opportunity to talk with folks who are discerning a call to Tending the Holy.
Discernment has always been near and dear to me. My current ministry is a continuation of discernment ministry I did for several years with the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, where I was the spiritual director for young men and women discerning a religious vocation. In sum, I love to talk to people of diverse spiritual and life backgrounds. Meeting, understanding, and walking with people where they are gives me life!
Read more about Paul Krenzelok here.