What the Good Shepherd Tells Us About Being Present to Marginalized Populations
Our King and Good Shepherd looks after and longs to care for the ‘least of these’ around us and including us. Jesus says in Matthew 25:40, “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” King Jesus cares for us and calls us to follow in His ways to care for the marginalized, oppressed and those the world calls the ‘least,’ but who Jesus calls his very own ‘brothers and sisters’.
During this Tending the Call online experience we are invited to explore the character of our Good Shepherd (Ps 23), experience His tender care, explore what our calling is, seek after His vision of those around us, and ask Him to show us how we are to be tending this call to care for the ‘least of these’ (Mt 25:40). In this process, may we be more transformed into our King and Good Shepherd’s image and led deeper into His great love. Presenter is Rose Larson, Prayer Pastor and Associate Pastor of Missional Life, Church of the Open Door, in the Twin Cities.
For pastors, church lay leaders, community volunteers, mission advocates and those interested in this important work for the church and our communities.
NEW DATE! Thursday, April 10, 2025
9 am - 12 noon - CT - ONLINE
Cost - We welcome everyone, regardless of financial circumstance, to join us.
Pay What It Costs - $45
Your payment of this amount supports the mission of Christos by ensuring that the costs of hosting this workshop are fully met. This also lets us wisely prepare budgets for future workshops and events.NEW! Pay It Forward - $65
Your payment of this amount empowers fellow contemplative seekers to deepen their connection with God by attending the workshop and also lets us expand accessibility to those experiencing limited financial circumstances.NEW! Pay As You Can - $20
Your payment of this amount allows Christos to honor your desire to deepen your connection with God within your current circumstances. If those circumstances prohibit this amount, please email traci@christoscenter.org
PRESENTER: Rose Larson is a passionate lover of Jesus who enjoys the outdoor adventures, travel and loves people. Her passion is equipping people through missions and prayer. Her greatest joy is praying with people and partnering with God in his healing work and creating spaces for people to experience Jesus’ intimacy and love. Rose is the Prayer Pastor and Associate Pastor of Missional Life at Church of the Open Door in Maple Grove, MN. She lives in a tiny home community in St. Paul which invites people who have experienced chronic homelessness to live in a community on church land, where they can experience healing and have the sense of stability and family restored. Her heart to live a life that points to Jesus. May God get the glory!